Sunday, October 13, 2013

Club Penguin Time Issue #416 October 2013!

Today, a brand new Club Penguin Times Issue got released. This is the 416th newspaper issue. Club Penguin Times Issues comes every Thursday. Check out the Club Penguin Times Issue #416 below. To read the newspaper, click on the Newspaper icon on the top left corner of the screen.
The first article is about Halloween. The Halloween Party 2013 is coming next week! Time flies so fast!

The second article is the original CP scary movie, Night of the Living Sled. It’s first appearance was in 2007. It was fantastic. If you never seen it, I suggest you watch it this year.

Finally, the upcoming events.

On Now:  Night of the Living Sled! – Live! … A Halloween treat at the theater.
Oct. 17:  Halloween Party – It’s almost here! Scared yet?
Oct. 24: 8th Anniversary – 8 years of flipper-flapping good times.
October 17-31: New Pin
The Halloween Party is going to be awesome! What do you think? Who will you be at the party? Also, the 8th Anniversary of CP. CP has been here for ALMOST 8 years. Are you excited for the 8th Anniversary? What do you think the party hat will be this year?
Until then...

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