Thursday, March 6, 2014

March 2014 Clothing Catalog CHEATS!

Hey guys!
It's Thursday, so New Clothing Catalog!

We have a special maker on this catalog, it's the Muppet Maker! 

Awesome, right?
I have an idea. Instead of posting the whole catalog, I'll just tell you the cheats! 

Go on the 5th page of the catalog and click on the grey wall behind the purple penguin to find The Jetsetter!

Go on the 6th page of the catalog and click on the Shiny Slippers to find The Getaway!

Go on the 7th page of the catalog and click on the Penguin's Resort Brochure to find the Resort Brochure! (item)

Well, that's all for this month's catalog!
See ya later!

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